Small Channels: Do THIS To Skyrocket your Views in 5 Minutes

 - What if I told you that you

only need to change one thing,

and once you do,

it could be the difference

between zero views,

and views that are in the thousands,

hundreds of thousands, or even millions.

Would you do it?

You may say, well, maybe,

what's the thing though?

It's titles.

Obviously, we've talked

about titles before.

If you want people to click

on your videos, though,

they are crucial.

So recently I had a meeting with an expert

on writing YouTube titles.

His name is Jake Thomas,

and the last time we did a video with him,

you guys seemed to really love it.

So this time I wanted to

ask Jake about the methods

for coming up with an effective

title in the first place

so that you have the best chances

of tapping into that human psychology.

Tapping into that curiosity.

Two primary methods that he uses for this,

and the first one is the Picasso Method.

- That is the best way to

increase the likelihood of success

for your channel.

Picasso supposedly said

that good artists borrow,

and great artists steal.

So we can use that on our YouTube channels

to come up with good ideas,

come up with thumbnail ideas,

and just write better titles.

- Everyone is stealing

from each other on YouTube,

and it's honestly fine.

However, blatantly copying

other creators is not okay,

and it's not what Jake,

or myself are trying

to encourage you to do.

You should look to take

successful concepts

from other creators.

And here's an example that Jake shared.

- Let's say I have a fitness channel.

My competitor has a video about

How to Get a Six Pack in 10 Weeks.

I might make a video about

10 Tips to Get a Six

Pack in 10 Weeks, right?

So they're similar, but

I'm not exactly copying.

- One of the biggest ways

creators mess this up

is that they go into their

competitor's channel,

they search by most popular,

and then they pick the

videos on that channel

that have the most views,

and they just aim to make a similar video,

but oftentimes they miss

one very important detail.

And that is, today,

this video might not be getting the views

that it once got maybe five years ago.

Of course, if you are

doing this type of research

be sure to take advantage

of vidIQ's Trending tab.

- [Jake] So the Trending

tab looks at what videos

are working right now.

You can filter by, like, views per hour.

So vidIQ actually shows you,

hey, these videos are

getting views right now.

- The closer you copy those titles

of those successful videos,

the better chances you have at succeeding,

especially, if you're a new creator,

and you don't really know yet

what's gonna get people

to click on your content.

No one's watching your videos yet anyway,

so you have a lot of room to test here.

And, hey, even if you're copying

the same exact topic somebody else did,

I don't want you to

necessarily worry about that.

Just ask yourself this.

- Do you watch one tutorial,

or one video on how to do something?

No, you probably watch a bunch

of videos on that subject.

Everybody's voice is different.

People just kind of gravitate

to one person or another.

- With the Picasso Method,

you're not the one leading in the charts.

Somebody else is,

and you're trying to use their

ideas to inspire your own.

So there's always gonna be an upper limit

as to how much success

you could have with the Picasso Method,

but that is where the DJ

Khaled Method comes into play.

- That is where we remix

proven ideas from other niches

with proven topics from our niche.

- That might sound a bit

complicated, so let me explain.

Our channel educates creators

on how to grow on YouTube,

but even we can leverage the title

How to Get a Six Pack of Abs in 10 Weeks.

A proven topic in our own niche

is How to Get More Subscribers.

So all we need to do is

remix this title and we get

How to Get Your First 1,000

Subscribers in 10 Weeks.

Another example that absolutely crushed it

for an entertainment channel

was 20 Halloween Candies

You Should Never Eat.

Remixed for our fitness channel,

10 Back Exercises You Should Never Do.

I did have one very important

question for Jake here.

How do I find the right

channels that are in niches

that are similar to my own,

but different enough to where I could get

some of these really cool

inspirational titles?

- Do you think of, like,

kind of the big major niches?

So like health, wealth and relationships

is one good place to start,

if I have a fitness channel,

so that's in health.

I might think of other health

channels, so maybe nutrition,

maybe like healthy habits

or productive habits.

Then you can also go in relationships.

So like dating advice, marriage advice.

You can also go in wealth,

so like marketing, or

finance, or even real estate.

So think about, like,

those really broad topics.

Open up in, like, an incognito mode,

or like a fresh account on YouTube.

Start searching a bunch

of different topics

in those related niches,

and, like, start with one.

Let's do just finance, right?

So we'll start looking up,

like, best credit cards,

or, you know, how to save money,

how to open up a retirement account,

how to open up a savings

account, you know, best banks.

Just start searching all of those terms,

and then see what videos are ranking,

you know, the top five for those terms.

Add those to your Model 100.

Once you've watched some of their videos

go and see what YouTube

is recommending and then,

you know, go watch some of those channels.

Maybe add those to your Model 100.

And then once you've done

that, like, 20, 30 minutes,

go to YouTube's homepage,

and then see what videos

are recommended there.

- So in short, you start by

searching for these channels.

They should start to

get recommended to you,

and then you should be able

to find them in your homepage

relatively easily,

but if you really wanna keep some tabs

on very specific channels

that you're learning from

then you might wanna use

vidIQ's Competitors feature

if you are a vidIQ user.

- You know, have like a big

list of your competitors,

and your Model 100,

and you could go through

each one of those one by one,

but it's gonna take you a lot of time.

So that's why you have vidIQ

with the Competitor feature.

So just go down and like,

you know, sort by views

time period this month,

and see what channels are

working for them right now.

And that's, like, the quickest way.

- Let's see, just checking my notes here.

Yeah, this is a lot for one video.

What I'm gonna ask you to do, actually,

is subscribe to Jake's free newsletter.

It's called "Creator Hooks."

And I'll let Jake explain

a little bit more about it.

- "Creator Hooks"

sends out five proven

video ideas every week.

I've been using the DJ Khaled Method

for, like, three, four years now.

Brings in a bunch of video

ideas from different industries,

and I send out five videos

every Monday morning,

so that you can see

what is working outside of your industry.

And then, also, kinda

break down why they work,

and then how I would use it

for other different industries.

- And if you would like to learn

a little more about human psychology,

so you can trick people

into watching your content,

then you wanna watch this video next.

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